Alcoholism in Your Twenties, Just a Phase or an Addiction?

Alcoholism in Your Twenties, Just a Phase or an Addiction? Alcoholism in Your Twenties, Just a Phase or an Addiction? Introduction to Alcohol Many people get introduced to alcohol in their late teens when they are finishing high school and entering college. During college, in America, there is a binge drinking culture. So, a young … Read more

Tips for Parents with Addicted Children

Addiction starts early. Over 90% of addicts begin abusing drugs or alcohol before the age of 18. While it’s impossible to accurately measure how many addicts there are, a 2013 study showed 24.6 million Americans had abused an illicit substance within the last month (at the time of the survey). This means there are lots … Read more

Putnam County Combatting Drug Abuse in the Workplace

Recently there have been efforts to focus on the safety and monetary hazard in the workplace, when pertaining to drug abuse, The Mental Health, Alcohol & Drug Addiction Recovery Board of Putnam County (ADAMHS Board), have come together with 15 local collaborators and partners to introduce the Working Partners® Drug-Free Workforce Community Initiative in Putnam … Read more

How to Stay Sober: 10 Tips | Aftercare

How to Stay Sober: 10 Tips How to Stay Sober: 10 Tips When it comes to addiction recovery, the only thing harder than getting sober is staying sober. Relapse is unfortunately rather common. Without treatment, an addict who quits on his or her own has a 50 to 80% chance of relapsing. Even with treatment, … Read more

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