Types of Anxiety

Types of Anxiety

Types of Anxiety​

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Everyone deals with anxiety at various points in their lives. For some, however, anxiety can become overwhelming. It can get in the way of their productivity and their ability to make decisions. Anxiety can negatively affect someone’s relationships, and in some instances, it can even make it difficult for someone to get out of bed in the morning.

Fortunately, there are several types of therapies to help people with anxiety, even in its most extreme forms. This article will discuss the various types of anxiety and how they can be treated.1

What are the Types of Anxiety Disorders?

There are several types of anxiety disorders. Anxiety disorders can have individual root causes and different effects from one another. The different types of anxiety disorders include:

What is an Anxiety Test?

The first thing a therapist will do during anxiety treatment is to determine which type of anxiety is affecting their patient. This determination is usually done through a series of questions. This questionnaire would be considered the anxiety test. The patient may also be given a physical exam to make sure no underlying physical symptoms or medications are causing their anxiety.

Once a therapist completes an anxiety test, they will determine which type of anxiety a patient is dealing with and, from there, the therapist will decide what course of treatment is best suited to the patient’s condition.

How are Anxiety Disorders and Addiction Connected?

Many people are reluctant to deal with their anxiety disorders. They may feel like their conditions are not serious enough to require therapy or they may be embarrassed to talk about their issues. Instead of finding healthy ways to deal with their emotions, many turn to drugs and alcohol. Substance use may offer short-term relief from anxiety, but in the long run, it sends individuals into a downward spiral.

The highs and lows caused by drugs worsen anxiety symptoms. More than that, if one becomes addicted to substances, they may be unable to take control of their life. This could lead to one losing their job, failing at school, or damaging their relationships.

Drug-Induced Anxiety Disorder

While many people with anxiety turn to drugs and alcohol to help them relax, such substances can have the opposite effects on others. Drugs or alcohol can make an anxiety attack more likely to occur. In other instances, the lows brought on by substance withdrawal increase anxiety symptoms.

What are the Symptoms of Drug-Induced Anxiety Disorder?

Drug-induced anxiety disorder is characterized by the following symptoms:

Residential Treatment for Drug-Induced Anxiety Disorder

Those with drug-induced anxiety disorder are best going to a residential treatment center. The center will provide therapy to address their anxiety as well as the underlying causes. The patient will also be given detox treatment and aftercare that will ensure they can comfortably adjust to sober living.

Generalized Anxiety Disorder

Generalized anxiety disorder (GAD) is among the most common types of anxiety. It is characterized by ongoing and excessive worry. People who deal with GAD may be overly concerned about everyday issues such as work, their health, their family, money, the occurrence of disasters, and more.2

People that deal with GAD may experience the following anxiety symptoms:

Approximately 6.8 million adults have been diagnosed with generalized anxiety disorder. This accounts for 3.1% of the population. However, only 43.2% of these people are receiving treatment.

Treating GAD with TMS

Transcranial magnetic stimulation, or TMS, uses magnetic fields to stimulate nerve cells in the brain. It is noninvasive and often used to treat depression and anxiety. During a session, the provider will place an electromagnetic coil on the patient’s scalp. This will activate regions of the brain that are associated with minimizing negative emotions, thereby easing depressive symptoms and improving one’s overall mood.3

Panic Disorder

A panic disorder is characterized by recurring anxiety attacks. An anxiety attack is a feeling of fear and discomfort that comes and goes in minutes. Anxiety attacks commonly cause symptoms such as a racing heart, sweating, and difficulty breathing.4

Other symptoms that one may experience during an anxiety attack from their panic disorder include:

Panic disorder affects around 2.7% of the U.S. population or approximately 5 million American adults.

Treating with Gabapentin

Also known as Neurontin, gabapentin is an off-brand drug that has shown to be effective in treating various types of anxiety, including panic disorder. People who use gabapentin often experience better sleep habits, less irritability, and a reduction in anxiety attacks.

Social Anxiety Disorder

Social anxiety disorder (SAD) is defined as feelings of anxiety that occur in social situations. It may occur when meeting someone new, when making a public speech, when being around strangers or in a crowd, or when speaking with someone who causes discomfort.5

There are several symptoms associated with social anxiety including:

Social anxiety disorder affects 15 million American adults. This accounts for 6.8% of the population.

Treating with CBT

Cognitive-behavioral therapy is commonly used to treat SAD. This therapy helps patients understand the cause of their disorders and what makes them react the way they do. Once the patient has a better grasp on their underlying issues, they can develop the tools they need to replace negative behaviors with positive ones.

Specific Phobias

Phobias are defined as an irrational fear of an object or situation. People can have phobias of animals, thunder and lightning, water, and much more. Even though these individuals may know their fears are irrational, it doesn’t stop them from occurring.6

When people with phobias are exposed to what they fear, they may develop the following symptoms:

Specific phobias affect nearly 19 million adults or 8.7% of the population.

Treating with Antidepressants

Research has shown that antidepressants are effective in treating phobias and other types of anxiety. Antidepressants raise the serotonin levels in the body to promote a sense of calm and ease for the mind.

High Functioning Anxiety

Some people seem like they have it all together, but behind the scenes, they are dealing with anxiety symptoms. These symptoms may include worrisome thoughts, racing heartbeat, excessive sweating, and more. Individuals with this condition would be diagnosed with high functioning anxiety.

People dealing with high functioning anxiety may look calm and collected, but they are often having to face anxiety symptoms such as:

Treating with e-Therapies

E-therapy is defined as any kind of therapy that can be received in a virtual format. It typically takes place over video conference, but e-therapies can also occur over the phone, by email, or by text.

E-therapy is effective for people dealing with various types of anxiety as it eliminates the need to commute and the expenses of travel. E-therapy can also be more flexible for the patient’s schedule, and it can reduce social anxiety symptoms since it is not in-person.

Separation Anxiety Disorder

Separation anxiety disorder is common in children, but it can occur in people of all ages. Separation anxiety is more than normal clinginess that occurs when another person leaves. It is characterized by an ongoing fear of detachment that can lead to disruptions in sleep, nightmares, and physical pain.7

Separation anxiety disorder can result in the following symptoms:

Treating with Benzodiazepines

Benzodiazepines are another name for tranquilizers, and they are a common anxiety treatment medication. Common brand names are Valium and Xanax. Benzodiazepines are effective in treating various types of anxiety, but they can also be addictive. It is recommended for patients to refer to their doctor’s dosage recommendations.

Addiction Treatment with Co-Occurring Anxiety

Anxiety is a major underlying cause of addiction. Many people turn to drugs and alcohol to treat their anxiety symptoms. While substance use may provide temporary relief, it will also worsen the problems and cause individuals to hurt both themselves and their loved ones.

The best solution for anxiety disorders or co-occurring substance use disorder is to find a residential treatment center that can treat both at the same time. Therapists who work at these facilities will detox a patient’s system to flush them of toxins and reduce physical reliance on the substance. The therapist will also tackle one’s underlying issues that cause anxiety and lead them to use unhealthy substances.

Arrow Passage Recovery has a staff of medical professionals who are skilled in treating various types of anxiety and addiction disorders. Our staff helps those with anxiety leave their mental issues behind so they can start on the path to happier, healthier living.

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