Alcohol Consumption On the Rise in Ohio

alcohol-abuse-in-ohioOver the last few years, you may have noticed increased reports of substance abuse throughout the country. We are not strangers to the increasingly wide-spread use of alcohol, pills, heroin, and other drugs. We’re also becoming more and more familiar with campaigns trying to get this problem under control. You may have even come across a few billboards which are designed to look like street signs, sporting “HEROIN” in large letters…. Is this a test? Should we turn right? Left? Is it possible that the increase in alcohol abuse is directly related to the shift in public focus to opioid abuse such as heroin? We should hope not, but should also consider this question very seriously. Let’s remind ourselves that alcohol abuse and addiction remain a widespread problem, which based on recent reports, needs to remain a priority when it comes to aiding those in need.

The Facts…

According to WHIZ News, in less than one week’s time, authorities reported 21 emergency calls involving alcohol-related illnesses in connection with incidents located at Miami University in Ohio. Sadly, the outcome of all 21 reports resulted in hospitalization. Steve Carrel, CEO of Muskingum Behavioral Health, commented on the sad truth that such instances of abuse ultimately result “in an overdose on alcohol, or death.” Carrel also suggested the alcohol-related incidents at Miami University “raise the question of alcohol abuse in the state.”

The Statistics…

WHIZ News goes on to report that according to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), “…the limits for moderate consumption is up to two drinks a day for men, and up to one drink a day for women.” The CDC also provides specific details as to what “one drink” is defined as – “one drink as 12 ounces of 5% ABV beer, 8 ounces of 7% ABV malt liquor, 5 ounces of 12% ABV wine and 1.5 ounces of 40% ABV distill spirits or liquor.” Before you write off the above data, ask yourself this – have you ever been in a situation where you put yourself in danger? Risked losing your job? Hurt those who care about you? Become physically ill and risked your health? And finally, ask yourself if you know anyone who has done any of these things or if you’ve been a victim of this behavior by others? A rise in alcohol abuse does affect us all.

Is there a good solution?

While many of us understand the list is endless when it comes to substance abuse, we must come to a solution that enables agencies to provide an equal and abundant focus on any and all types of substance abuse. Maybe in doing so we can prevent other states from experiencing the increased alcohol abuse that Ohio is now facing. Drug abuses of any kind are a detriment to the individuals partaking in the activity, as well as their families and, well let’s face it, even innocent bystanders. Let’s just agree on this… Alcohol abuse that results in hospitalization is very concerning and needs to be met with quick action and attention. If you or a loved one is struggling with alcohol addiction don’t hesitate to call us at Arrow Passage Recovery. Our team specializes in curbing the underlying effects of alcohol addiction leading to a happy and sober life, free of alcohol.

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