How Effective are Online AA Meetings?
How Effective are Online AA Meetings?
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What are AA Meetings?
AA stands for Alcoholics Anonymous. It’s an affiliation of people on the road to recovery from a drinking disorder. Each group is self-supporting, which means the group can grow in the way that works best for everyone there. AA is open to all genders, ethnicities, and political associations. They also offer groups for specific genders, as well as the LGBTQ community.
Alcoholics Anonymous gives those with a substance use disorder a place to process their recovery in a nonprofessional setting. People can share their experiences, read literature regarding substance and alcohol addiction, and recite the Twelve Steps of AA.
Members are encouraged and supported on their journey to recovery, no matter how long it takes. Members also receive chips to mark milestones in their recovery. Sponsorship is a common practice where newer members have mentors experienced in the program that help them commit to sobriety.
AA began in 1935, and there are now there are AA meetings around the world. It has also spawned similar models for other substance use disorders, such as NA for narcotics, OA for overeaters, and Al-Anon for family members and loved ones of those with an alcohol use disorder.1
How Do Online AA Meetings Operate?
Online AA meetings operate similarly to in-person meetings. They are typically led by a chairperson that guides the meeting. The chairperson rotates among members, so no one carries the burden of leading alone. Members take turns sharing online, either by speaking or typing on a forum.
Online AA meetings usually last about an hour and include reading AA literature and reciting the Twelve Steps and Twelve Traditions of AA.
Most online AA meetings function using a video conferencing platform, such as Zoom, Google Hangouts, or free conference calls. Group leaders provide other members and their local AA office with the necessary instruction to access the meeting.
In the Rooms is another popular platform that those in addiction recovery can use to meet and socialize virtually with other recovering individuals. The website has grown to over 800,000 members as a way to provide a connection for those who need virtual support.2
Why AA Meetings Switched to Online
Safety Measures During COVID-19
When the pandemic struck, there was an increased need for AA online. Each AA meeting is operated independently and not under the rules or directives of the General Service Office of AA. However, many local laws and ordinances meant that all in-person AA meetings were forced to close. For those in AA, online meetings provided a way for people to continue their recovery even when in-person meetings were not safe or possible. There have always been reasons why an individual may miss a meeting from time to time. However, COVID changed everything and forced many to figure out online AA for entire groups. As more and more Americans are vaccinated (today, almost 60% of Americans have had at least their first shot), many members will soon be going back to in-person meetings. However, now the technology will still be available for those who cannot attend in person.3The Benefits of Online AA Meetings
Those who don’t have transportation can still attend. This aspect is especially useful for those who had their license revoked as a result of drinking. Attending in-person can become an undue burden on loved ones. Attending AA online would make it easier for them to attend.
People who live in remote areas can attend. While AA meetings are all over the world, they can’t be everywhere. However, distance no longer has to be a factor in whether someone has help with recovery.
Having AA online is more flexible. Many people struggle to commit to a rigid schedule, whether because of work or personal obligations. Meeting online is a great chance to overcome this obstacle.
It is helpful for those with social anxiety. Co-occurring disorders are common with alcohol addiction. Anxiety can make a meeting in person difficult, if not impossible. AA virtual meetings can be more inclusive for them.
The Negatives of Online AA Meetings
- Members may feel they are not held as accountable as seeing people in person.
- Many members worry that their identity might be compromised via an email IP address if there was a hacker.
- Some struggle to make an emotional connection online.
While online AA meetings were essential for members’ health and well-being during COVID, some members of the community struggled to adjust to the challenges of virtual meetings.
How Effective are Online AA Meetings?
Recovery is not a “one-size-fits-all” model that works for everyone. Likewise, how well someone responds to online meetings depends on several factors, including their personality, challenges, triggers, and their level of engagement.
However, there are ways to continue to keep a connection beyond virtual meetings. Some groups created contact lists so that those who want a greater level of engagement can keep in touch by phone, email, or social media.
You can find a local AA meeting online or in person through the official AA website.5