Limits on Narcan? A Recent Death Begs the Question

Two weeks ago in North Carolina, Jonathan Hayes was driving his pickup truck on heroin. He overdosed behind the wheel, lost control, and hit another vehicle. Two-year-old Mason Richardson was inside the other vehicle, and he died on impact. Mason’s pregnant mother was driving, and had her sibling in the passenger seat. Both were injured. … Read more

Treatment Options for Ohioans: Our Response

On November 10th Deborah King wrote an article based out of Wooster, Ohio, regarding the state’s opioid epidemic. You can read the article here. Being a licensed substance abuse counselor, recovery ambassador, and former addict herself, she speaks from both experience and knowledge. King believes the African-American community in Ohio is not receiving the best … Read more

Man Attacks Wife’s Heroin Dealer – Community Supports Him


It’s the winter of 2015. Edwin Sobony, his wife Marie, and their five children live in a house in Hamilton, Ohio. Marie’s cousin Larry is a heroin dealer, and he sometimes supplies her with it. Edwin hates that his wife does heroin, and tells Larry repeatedly to stay away. He continues to show up with … Read more

The Importance of Nutritional Therapy in Recovery

Research shows that eating healthy can go a long way toward helping you on the road to addiction recovery. There is a common belief in the addiction recovery world that when you are overcoming a drug or alcohol addiction you should allow yourself to indulge in all the sweets, fats, and junk food you want. … Read more

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